SAMA 2017 XPO North Stage: In Pictures
Take a look at the pictures for the SAMAs stage at XPO North 2017, Blackfriars.
Thank you to Scottish Provincial Press, Still Burning Photograhy, Al Donnelly and Graham Mackenzie for contributing on the photography to this article.
Miracle Glass Company. Photography by Graham Mackenzie.
Miracle Glass Company. Photography by Graham Mackenzie.
Miracle Glass Company. Photography by Graham Mackenzie.
Emme Woods. Photography by Still Burning.
Emme Woods. Photography by Still Burning.
James Mackenzie. Photography by Gail Fraser.
The Ninth Wave. Photography by Paul Campbell.
Wecamefromwolves. Photography by Graham Mackenzie
Wecamefromwolves. Photography by Graham Mackenzie.
Dancing On Tables.
Rebel Westerns.
NIEVES. Photography by Al Donnelly (Houdi).
NIEVES. Photography by Al Donnelly (Houdi).
NIEVES. Photography by Al Donnelly (Houdi.).
Thank you Xpo North!
NEXT EVENT: Rachel Sermanni, The Great Albatross, Mark McGowan @ Paisley Arts Centre on Saturday 1st July. Tickets on sale via Eventbrite here.
Team SAMAs